Para contarles un poco sobre mi.. hasta donde se.. asi soy yo :
Me gusta Dormir hasta tarde y totalmente a oscuras, me molesta la luz, Comer lo que se me antoje(aunque por mi salud ya no puedo hacer eso :( ) Soy fanatica del chocolate acompañado (nunca solo) y el coco.. Me gusta la musica, el ingles, dibujar, pintar, cantar( aunque no sepa hacerlo) , vivir sola e independiente, ver un buena pelicula comiendo comida chatarra y prefiero ir al cine que ir a una fiesta.( soy una Adiccineomana-segun lo invente yo) Bailo muy poco, no tengo bando fijo siempre estoy de lado del que va perdiendo(como dicen por ahi) y dicen que aveces suelo ser muy dura con las palabras si me enojo. Como ya mencione anteriormente, no juzgo a la gente, no me gusta guardar rencor por mucho tiempo, y creo que el perdon es el mejor regalo que podamos dar y recibir, y claro no soy la Madre Teresa de Calcuta pero no me Gusta ver Sufrir a la gente. Creo firmemente en Dios aunque no sea una buena cristiana. Jamas lloro sobre la leche derramada porque no me gusta que me vean llorar.No me gusta el chancho, el cuy, el aguadito y todo lo que sea arroz en agua, casi no me gusta la sopa y le tengo una fobia incomprendida a los tiburones, y al mar abierto, pero prefiero ir a la playa que a una piscina, Aveces hablo incoherencias, me pierdo del mundo, y odio la monotonia.. mmm algo mas???- tendrian que conocerme.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

19 de Agosto

Seria un pecado que hoy no entrara a decir absolutamente nada en el blog, siendo hoy mi día de aniversario. Bueno mmm creo que un 19 de Agosto empece y un 19 de Agosto me kedaré en stand bay - lo que pasa es que nose que pasa, porque ya no tengo las mismas ganas de antes de escribir ni se me meten ideas en la cabeza como para escribir y no es que me sienta mal, nada que ver, es decir; no estoy bien pero tampoco estoy mal, no estoy contenta pero tampoco es que este triste, no estoy sola pero tampoco acompañada, relamente estoy en equilibrio, o no ?.. mm nose en verdad creo que no voy a escribir nada por un buen tiempo y sé que tampoco eh estado comentando los blogs que solia visitar, sin embargo talvez por factor TIEMPO o GANAS no lo eh hecho, es mi deber como blogera pedir disculpas y avisar que ya no entrare por un buen tiempo ni en este y mm en el otro talvez tampoco a noser que quiera desahogar algun pensamiento de un momento a otro, lo que va a ser muy raro... si pues, pero agradezco otra vez a todos los que solian visitarme continuamente y me dejaban algun comentario, a los que solo entraban y leian y a todos en general. No tengo mucho que decir creo mm haber.. ah si gracias a Juan Carlos , deberias ser terapeuta.. jojo :) sí, muy buenas tus palabras, quisiera tener esa facilidad como tu para hacer sentir bien a la gente o almenos para reanimar con las palabras, parece mentira pero esas cosas sirven cierto?.. y nada por ahora hasta dentro de un buen tiempo, seguira siendo aqui o en el otro nose, no tengo ganas de pensar ahora pero como repito no es que este pasando por un mal momento ni este deprimida ni nada, solo que ni bien ni mal es como me siento, todo tranquilo todo relajado, nada nuevo ni nada común, creo que algo que si puedo decir para bien mio por supuesto, es que cada vez tengo y siento que tengo mas claro lo que quiero, conmigo en mi y en mi vida y talvez eso es lo que me mantiene ocupada o talvez no sea eso completamente. Es todo por ahora creo, saludos a todos los blogeros y traten siempre de escribir cosas graciosas positivas y mm usen su blog para desahogar todo que para eso sirve para nosotros mismos y tambien para el resto.. "sonrianle a la vida que aveces tiene cara de amargada y sentiran que nada nunca puede estar realmente tan mal"

Un beso. los quiero

sin posdatas...

34 comentarios:

@webero01 dijo...

feliz aniversario,,,

cumplir un año escribiendo no es algo muy frecuente =),,,,

espero q vuelvas a escribir pronto,, ya nos estaremos leyendo d vuelta,,,


Damian dijo...

feliz aniversario.
un año no es poco.
siempre es buen oescirbir para desfogarse.
saludos artemisia

Juan Carlos dijo...

Tu espíritu inquieto y libre te llevará a otros lares. La razón de este blog ya terminó para ti. Necesitas otros aires, otras motivaciones, otras situaciones, yo te comprendo, y es que tú eres así.
Que estas últimas líneas que te escribo, sean el eterno testimonio de alguien que te llegó a conocer sin siquiera mirarte. Porque tú eres (te comparo así) como el viento, que mis ojos no pueden ver, pero que sin embargo si puedo sentir.
Y es que cuando tú quieres, puedes ser como aquel viento suave, llamado brisa. Pero ay de aquel, que provoque tus iras… porque también eres el viento que se vuelve huracán.
Artemisia, sigue por la vida, fiel a tus ideas, auténtica como tú sabes serlo, con ternura a veces, con fiereza en otras, con la sinceridad en la punta de tus labios, con la honestidad en tus actos, sin dar marcha atrás, yegua indomable de espíritu libre, podrás caer cien veces pero quedar vencida nunca.
No te deseo ¡Suerte!… porque no la necesitas.
Te deseo ¡Éxitos!... porque ellos serán la consecuencia de tus esfuerzos.
No te digo “Te recordaré”… porque para recordarte, primero tendría que olvidarte. Y tú eres inolvidable.
Adiós amiga, llegó el momento de partir.

Posdata: Que Dios Te Bendiga

Anónimo dijo...

Mucho ánimo para tus días de confusión. Mi consejo es que hagas las cosas que te llenen y que seas egoísta, en el sentido de pensar nada más que en ti. Poco a poco, ve recuperando la ilusión por tus aficiones y no te preocupes, esto nos pasa a todos. Si necesitas un amigo, ya sabes donde me tienes. Un beso fuerte. Cuídate.

Anónimo dijo...


Hombre Cotidiano dijo...

Pues, feliz aniversario!!! :)

Cathy Pazos dijo...

Estoy pasando por lo mismo,pero no puedo desconectarme del todo y no lo quiero tampoco
espero vuelvas pronto.

Vergónides de Coock dijo...

Para mantenerte motivada en tu blog, crea un concepto para tu blog o sino miniconceptos, es decir pequeñas metas con una meta final; sin motivación no se puede lograr nada. Suerte.
PD: Escribid flaca, escribid.

Lucia dijo...

solo me pasaba para dejarte la dirección de los blogs d eunas amigas
Se que esto no es muy...nomal?
Pero el segundo es nuevo,creado hace poco y el primero esta en crisis porque a dueña lo quiere cerrar!!
Espero que ayudes y te pases por l blogs,y los siguas si te gustan,puedes comentar tambíen!!




TeMoC dijo...


espero que vuelvas pronto, te empezaba apenas a conocer y creo que eres una persona muy chida con la que se puede llevar una amistad, me gustaba tu forma de expresarte, espero leerte pronto.....disculpa tambien que comente tan tarde jeje.


Juan dijo...

...un largo silencio.

VALENTIN dijo...

Hace dias que no te veo por mi espacio, espero te encuentres bien.
Un abrazote!!!

elextra dijo...

bueno.. a todos nos pasa.. yo me paso semanas sin saber q escribir.. y de pronto me sale algo.. a veces me sale rapido pero no tnego tiempo para publicarlo..

cuando me va mal tengo muchas cosas q decir, cuando todo esta bien no..

la vida es rara.

ya vendran esas ganas.
todos las esperamos:)

Anónimo dijo...

Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

Romina dijo...


Me llamo Romina soy administradora de un directorio web/blog. Tengo que decir que me ha gustado su página y le felicito por hacer un buen trabajo. Por ello, me encantaría contar con tu sitio en mi directorio, consiguiendo que mis visitantes entren también en su web.

Si estás de acuerdo. Házmelo saber.

Suerte con tu web!

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Have Your Cake And Eat It As well With These Fake Omega Watches

Historical past of Omega watches
The Omega watch 1st started out its lengthy historical past in 1848. A Swiss household begun building the watches within a smaller workshop. In 1880 the business was moved to Bienne to bigger manufacturing buildings and processes. From the 1900s, Omega was one on the greatest view building organizations on the planet together with the manufacturing of above 200,000 watches each year. Omega was the 1st small business to change the way that the majority vendors produced watches. The watches had been created using the divided workshop assembly which enabled them to make excellent quality watches at competitive costs. These watches have been named the official watch of your Olympics in 1932 and also have been ever considering that. The modern search from the watches is extremely sporty.

Qualities of Omega watches
The Omega view is probably the sportiest watches offered available these days. The observe face is constructed with various colours and dials and is styled to look relatively like a vehicle dashboard. The encounter from the watch is often numerous completely different colours. One of your most trendy colors is red. The band is generally constructed of metal backlinks created of stainless steel or other rust resistant metal. An Omega observe has a variety of completely different knobs to adjust the different dials and time.

Why spend money on replica Omega watches?
The original Omega view is some what overpriced. It will be feasible to seek out a high quality Omega Replica watches that look at truly feel similar to the unique. Another advantage to a replica view is that the value within the view is significantly less. This means you do not have to worry about ruining the watch or it gaining stolen. You can easily have the exact same seem, truly feel, and functionality on the authentic watch without having any within the hassle or be concerned that occasionally accompanies name brand watches. A replica watch supplies type and comfort to its proprietor.

Why get Omega Replica watches from us?
All of our view replicas are construced together with the highest degree of top quality and precision. We pride ourselves on offering the highest degree of customer support and satisfaction. You are able to make contact with our customer service division at any time with questions or remarks. The moment we've got received an buy, it will be our leading priority to get the items shipped the moment likely. Our objective should be to supply the highest level of superior quality in the lowest prices.

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[url=http://omegawatchkakaku.blogspot.jp/]オメガ 腕時計 レディース[/url]

Polo Club Dome Watch

Now, time has gone when watches had been used to find out time only, but together with the modify of time, these grew to become un-ignorable a part of the personality. Right away, Watches are regarded as the crucial accessory that expresses you along with your method of living. That you're accessible with massive and assortment rich watch ranges for both the genders and unisex patterns. There are actually sports watches, casual watches, formal watches, steel watches and lots of a little more in several playful and royal colours to choose from, in accordance for your preference of design and style, colour, brand, size, occasion and spending budget. Polo Club Dome Watches has incredible gent assortment that completely fits to each and every type of character. This is often all on account of real experienced technical/mechanical engineering efforts. Although you'll notice variety of enterprises dealing into assembling wrist watches, and Polo Club Dome is probably the biggest and most approachable manufacturers on hand, developing crew from the small business has certainly produced this kind of watches which fits to each and every age group and sexes.

Polo Club Dome watches have the constrained editions with significant rectangular analog dial that comes in metallic silver colour with stainless steel situation. These dials seem breathtaking in your wrist with resilient black shade leather strap. These designer watches are rolled-out with delighted price figures that prove them to become really worth buying for you. Polo Club Dome Watches have got Stainless steel case-back with water resistant house and 1year guarantee time period. They are on the market in two classy colors: Silver and Black. Polo Dome watches have Rectovial dial form. In the marketplace you'll find Polo Club-Dual me Watches with special integration of Stainless Steel Case-back, Water resistivity and a single 12 months warranty and a range of designer time-pieces.
It time for you to strategy for something one of a kind and classy and Polo Club Dome Watches would be the wonderful choice to fulfill your wishes gracefully. This accessory portion adds pleasing glamour for your character and to overall visual appeal. Polo Club Dome Watches models elegancy make them hottest craze between the youths, skilled and internet business class people. For exact tips and much more possibilities you simply have to logon naaptol where it is possible to evaluate the qualities and cost of quantity of available goods. The portal gives you you the most beneficial high-quality items and on the internet buying solutions at very cheap cost and beautiful discounts schemes.

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[url=http://omegawatchkakaku.blogspot.jp/]オメガ 腕時計[/url]

In Fashion Omega Watches For Sale On-line Specially For Loving And Lively Girl

Only the investigation of these attending the total omega watch and what motion could very well be respectful in the acquisition will have no variation. Our supply casework are instantly and will be respectful of that get to you just before the date from the marriage or in conjunction fundamental dilemma to ensure that you’re able to give her this time. So no person is heading to apperception is definitely a reproduction, but not extra affidavit why you have to absolutely make a decision to buy an benefit from us.
When you don't take over the internet purchasing arcade, once once again with us are going to be a new acquaintance out their accounts of time and dollars. We get only the Omega Seamaster check out appropriate to question the flushing and layout. The Porsche Cayman Clubsport, as itll reportedly be called, will weigh 220 pounds (100 kg) much less compared to the standard-issue car. All of individuals elements will differ inside a Hublot replica, as will the rate.
The 1939 Platinum whole planet Time see marketed for added than four million bucks. for that reason a Hublot replica that is certainly believed to become regarded a larger grade or increased most excellent quality can be also substantially heavier than replica Omega swiss Watches on sale.Also, Hublot replica timepieces are now added realistic and comparable to their genuine counterparts, so purchasers really don't in reality truly feel the truth that timepieces are purely imitation.During the predicament a single is trying to locate an real Hublot watch, there are plenty of precautions that should really be taken. there are numerous swindlers and scammers about the marketplace who are seeking to con probable clients by advertising Hublot giant Bang replica seeing that the a truth factor.
Discovering the chance marketplace, some of your view suppliers comprehending this kind of chance for build the reproduction Omega wrist watches to meet up applying the actual curiosity of countless individuals. Your Omega imitations meet this desires persons to get the luxurious through the custom developed designer watches in honest rates.This simple together with effective system to get Omega watches replica is usually to invest in on-line retailers. In terms of Omega, it is a watch brand which has manufactured numerous historical landmarks on its own. It's been worn on the moon or for undersea explorations. The view brand of Swiss origin, has become close to since 1848. ordinarily speaking, the further consuming water resistant (depth of water) your view is, the higher ideal superior quality Hublot replica it will be. The greatest grades may possibly be consuming water resistant to 100 ft whereas the decreased most suitable high-quality Hublot replicas may likely be consuming water resistant to 10 or 15 feet.Omega has a variety of distinguished collections of its own. There is one this kind of assortment referred to as the Constellation. It's the assortment which has a number of vintage styles invented for landmark missions past earth. In recent years, obtaining duplicate might be turning into an ideal deal much more wellliked. Shut on the timing operate, thankfully theyre your necessary addons for some inside contemporary day society. This is actually the cause why this watches are incredibly overpriced and why, the organisation has offered for her supporters replicas which have been taking more than the authentic watches of those corporation too. The caseback is transparent, allowing the motion in the observe to become noticeable in the back. There is certainly a date window that lies on the 3 o clock position of this watch.

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Omega Watches-Your Preferred Preference

replica watches and .">Omega will be considered as the best watchmakers together with a selection of watches where stand for premium quality. Regardless of its large prices, the brand is amongst the highest providing observe renowned brand names. You'll find two vital reasons.

The one reason will in all probability be ideal quality. Watches are recognized for their particular exceptional substandard superior, the agencies are mindful of this individual and carry out their optimum to check out with this particular topic but just one or two accomplish this. Associates and those the fact that promote watches found in stores are all aware that these watches are concerning superior top notch. While many of us can only dream of owning such watches, it is vital for that lucky couple of who do personal prime quality watches to keep their possessions from the most desirable shape doable to protect for long term generations.

Using the top quality, watches also very own quite a bit of variations. Several of these types, along the lines of the Local community Ocean fluctuate and also the sea grasp wide selection are believed as remaining two within a fantastic quantity sought just after sorts of watches all-around.

With these several aspects in your thoughts, people can click on to their required places to obtain this timepieces realizing that they'll value. Even though some individuals may not agree, value pertaining to enjoy followers is not the major element.

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[url=http://omegaaquaterra.blogspot.jp/]オメガ シーマスター アクアテラ[/url]

Three Sorts of Hublot Watches

Hublot watches are branded watches on this planet, which represent power and aesthetics. Hublot replica watches often hold the different plan plus the authentic fashion from the extremely good process. Right here I'll introduce 3 varieties of new arrivals of Hublot watch.
?br /> F1 King Power
?br />
?br /> F1 King Energy has adopted Hublot completely unique King Gold materials which puts the authentic formula of rose gold to the platinum materials to maintain the watch situation shining with all the valuable metal glory. Within the position of 12 olock, there a brand of Hublot and F1. The many function windows imitate F1 auto dashboard. And the rose gold hands are covered with long-lasting luminous materials.
?br /> MP-01
?br />
?br /> After the accomplishment of IG BANG? ING Energy?and LASSIC FUSION? Hublot watch launched the fourth series---- MP-01 in 2011. MP-01 is created by a observe producing group which has thirty major view makers. It the first barrel-shaped watch whose view case is manufactured of titanium. The motion can be barrel-shaped which completely matches the observe contour and its title is HUB5100. The movement includes 384 parts and 43 bearing gemstones which could offer ten days?electrical power. It awesome the complicated operation of the movement can be witnessed clearly, on account of the exquisite pierced view dial. The 3 timing hands are carefully settled over the dial: Second hand is about the place of 3 olock; Minute hand is within the position of 9 olock as well as the tiny second dial is about the place of six olock.
?br /> Vendome Tourbillon
?br />
?br /> Vendome Tourbillon is to celebrate the opening of Spot Vendome boutique in Paris. Over the two sides of the view, there are actually two mini column decorations which represent the 200 many years?history of Spot Vendome. The view is outfitted using the unique HUB6003 tourbillon movement. The 210 components finished a complicated perform: conserve power for in excess of five days. Theree two kinds of models, including 5N rose gold materials and black ceramic material.

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[url=http://omegaaquaterra.blogspot.jp/]オメガ シーマスター アクアテラ[/url]

The Significant Helicopter Summoner - Breitling Emergency View

This have to be one particular of your coolest watches within the entire world. Because it is conceivable to cell phone a helicopter to select you up when activating the built-in radio transmitter. What a observe! This absolutely is why they are named Breitling Emergency watches. Breitling is frequently proud to grow to be the luxury watchmaker that creates "instruments for professionals". The Breitling Emergency watches are just without doubt 1 of this kind of ordinary watches that characteristic sturdy qualified style. Tailor-made for pilots and air-crews, the Emergency incorporates a microtransmitter broadcasting on the 121.5 MHz distress frequency, which is monitored by Cospas-Sarsat, an global search-and-rescue operation.

When a pilot encounters emergency circumstances this sort of as a crash or forced landing, he can activate the transmitter by removing a cap around the observe which releases an antenna. The transmitter can then broadcast radio signals for 48 hours, serving as remaining a complement for the beacons carried aboard aircraft. Under common circumstance-flat terrain or calm seas-the signal may very well be detected at a range of up to 160 kilometers (90 nautical miles) by search aircraft flying at 6,000 meters (20,000 toes).

In 2003, Breitling Emergency see attracted big focus and proved its well worth by saving two British pilots' lives. Steve Brooks and Hugh Quentin-Smith, crashed their helicopter in Antarctica. They activated the see transmitter and stayed in their lifeboat. A Chilean Otter aircraft noticed them just immediately after homing in on signals from their watches and rescued them.

Needless to say, this kind of a life savior view is coveted by quite a little bit of individuals and observe followers in addition to pros this kind of as pilots. The definitely decent information is that Breitling Emergency is on the market for non-professional customers who don't hold a pilot's license. But in invest in to avoid the false triggering from the distress beacon, users must signal an agreement stating that they will bear the complete expenses of a rescue operation will ought to they set off the alert. And most individuals who abuse the alert can be defined as creating false alarm and will possible be subject to exceptionally steep fines. Having said that, you may check the alarm in accordance with strict procedures.

Some could probably in reality feel as well stressed to put on a Breitling Emergency view as its essentially major view. It should be a catastrophe to suit your needs in case your kid accidentally activate the transmitter for you. In case you don't need to be disturbed by a self-invited helicopter for the duration of your holiday, why not place on the massive price reduction Breitling Emergency watch?

The Breitling Emergency major low cost see capabilities the exact seem with the authentic factor but is lack with all the built-in microtransmitter. So that you will not really have to get worried you are going to set off an Emergency helicopter company that will spoil your getaway. And substantial price reduction Breitling Emergency watches are significantly a little more reasonable when compared with the authentic counterparts. Any time you come about to aspire to familiarize by yourself with this sort of a particular observe, Breitling Emergency tremendous price reduction watches are your suitable selection.